PORPHYRINS PROFILE – Mosaic Diagnostics Urine Test Kit



Porphyrins are generated as the body builds hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in blood cells. Porphyrin (from the Greek word for purple) is made up of four ring compounds joined together, a structure conducive to holding a metal ion in its center, iron in the heme porphyrin of hemoglobin, and magnesium in chlorophyll. Small amounts of several porphyrins appear in urine normally. The relative amounts of each porphyrin are altered by certain hereditary diseases and by environmental or nutritional influences. The classic cases of hereditary porphyria displayed highly colored urine and skin eruptions and neurological symptoms of mania and “madness.” Health challenges with porphyrins &  SARS – COV2 have been discussed in Pub Med.

There are a number of symptoms and conditions associated with abnormal porphyrin levels:

Abdominal pain
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, & Constipation
Neurological Symptoms
Muscle Weakness
Chronic Kidney Disease
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Liver Disease
Certain Skin Cancers
Heavy Metal Poisoning


Porphyrins are generated as the body builds hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in blood cells. Porphyrin (from the Greek word for purple) is made up of four ring compounds joined together, a structure conducive to holding a metal ion in its center, iron in the heme porphyrin of hemoglobin and magnesium in chlorophyll. Small amounts of several porphyrins appear in urine normally. The relative amounts of each porphyrin are altered by certain hereditary diseases and by environmental or nutritional influences. The classic cases of hereditary porphyria displayed highly colored urine and skin eruptions and neurological symptoms of mania and “madness.”

Analyte List

Specimen Requirements 

Urine: 10 mL of urine collected and poured into an amber vial with no additive.

Turnaround Time
3 to 5 days (May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays)

Sample Test