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Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology (Doctor’s Data)
$560.00Comprehensive Stool Analysis + Parasitology This test is useful for Gastrointestinal Symptoms Autoimmune Disease IBD/IBS Inflammation Food Sensitivities Nutritional Deficiencies Joint Pain Infections Viruses -
Cyrex Array 10 Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen
$595.00Cyrex Array 10 May be useful when evaluating immune reactions to foods, raw and/or modified, food enzymes, lectins and artificial food additives, including meat glue, colorings and gums. Early detection of dietary-related triggers of autoimmune… -
CYREX ARRAY 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Antibody Screen
$475.00Autoimmune Disease is on the Rise As of 2020, research is revealing that between 15 and 30 million people in the United States suffer from autoimmune disease, making it the nation's largest class of illness,… -
Cyrex Array 2 – Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen
$375.00Gluten causes inflammation in the gut, which can eventually lead to intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Leaky gut allows undigested food particles, bacteria, and other pathogens to escape into the bloodstream where they can trigger… -
Cyrex Array 3 – Wheat Gluten Autoimmunity Reactivity Profile
$375.00"The Cyrex Array 3 offers the most comprehensive analysis available for determining gluten sensitivity. This array has proven incredibly valuable in my practice by providing in-depth information about an issue that has wide clinical implications." —David… -
Cyrex Array 4: Gluten-Associated Sensitivity / Cross-Reactive Foods
$345.00Cyrex Array 4: Gluten-Associated Sensitivity and Cross-Reactive Foods The Array 4 is recommended for those who have Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac disease and who are experiencing limited improvements while avoiding gluten in their diet.… -
GI-MAP (with Zonulin) Test Kit – Diagnostic Solutions
$495.00The GI Map looks for opportunistic organisms, normal flora, fungi, parasites, and antibiotic resistance genes as well as immunologic markers for gut health and function including SIgA, Elastase, Calprotectin, Anti-gliadin and zonulin testing. If you… -
Glyphosate – Water Test
$135.00Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide and the primary toxic chemical Roundup™ which is utilized by homeowners, municipalities, and farmers to prevent the growth of weeds and grasses. Studies have linked glyphosate exposure… -
H. Pylori Profile Test
$150.00H.Pylori Profile (Stool Test) Diagnostic Solutions Kit Mailed Directly to You! Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori) is gram-negative bacteria found in the stomach. Research has estimated that approximately half the world's population is infected by H.Pylori, making… -
Microbial Organic Acid Test (MOAT) – Mosaic Diagnostics Urine Test Kit
$245.00The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) is included in the Organic Acids Test (OAT) and indicates the metabolites produced by yeast and bacteria. Elevated test values are related to yeast or bacterial dysbiosis. The MOAT… -
Mosaic Mycotox / OAT Combo Test
$595.00Mosaic Diagnostics uses state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology, Mosaic Diagnostics Mycotoxin test is a very sensitive test. This is important because mycotoxins can cause serious health issues even in small quantities. Mosaic Diagnostics MycoTox… -
MycoTox Mold Profile – Mosaic Diagnostics Urine Test Kit
$325.00Mycotoxins - Mold - Toxins Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi like mold, which can infest buildings, vehicles, and foodstuffs. A majority of mycotoxin exposures are through food ingestion or airborne exposure. This test MycoTOX… -
Organic Acid Test (OMX) Urine – Diagnostic Solutions
$355.00Who Can Benefit from the Organic Acids Profile? The Organic Acids Profile helps identify dysfunctions that have been associated with a wide range of conditions. Metabolomics Research Has Evaluated the Following Conditions Associated With Organic Acid… -
Organic Acids Test (OAT) – Mosaic Diagnostics Urine Test Kit
$355.00The Organic Acids Test (OAT) provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people… -
PORPHYRINS PROFILE – Mosaic Diagnostics Urine Test Kit
$345.00PORPHYRINS PROFILE Porphyrins are generated as the body builds hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in blood cells. Porphyrin (from the Greek word for purple) is made up of four ring compounds joined together, a… -
Vitamin D 25 (OH) GPL Blood Spot Test Kit – Mosaic Diagnostics
$80.00Vitamin D testisng is used to: Determine if bone metabolism is compromised or if abnormal metabolism of calcium is occurring as a result of a deficiency or excess of vitamin D. Monitor parathyroid functioning since…
Showing all 16 results